Frequently asked questions
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Can I schedule an appointment directly with MedEvals?
No, but you may be able to request a referral and appointment with us through the VA or contractor (QTC, Loyal Source, Optum Serve, VES) who is coordinating your claim or RHRP visit. There are many factors that go into where you are scheduled; for example timing, availability, or where you live. They consider these factors when scheduling.
What should I do if I miss my appointment or need to reschedule?
Contact the VA contractor (QTC, OptumServe, Loyal Source Government Services, VES) who arranged your visit and they will help you to figure out what to do next.
For Loyal Source Government Services (LSGS), call 833-832-7077 (TTY: 711).
For OptumServe Health Services, call 866-933-8387.
For QTC Management, call 800-682-9701.
For Veterans Evaluation Services, call 877-637-8387. If you’re outside the continental U.S., call +1-713-255-5656.
What if I am running late for the appointment, can I still come in?
Call our office with your estimated arrival time and we will do our best to fit you in the same day of your appointment. Often we can, but it depends on the type of evaluation and whether the clinician has time. If not, you will need to contact the VA contractor (QTC, OptumServe, Loyal Source, VES) who scheduled your appointment and ask for a new visit date. We are not permitted to schedule new visit dates on your behalf.
Does MedEvals contact me prior to an appointment?
Do not be surprised if a MedEvals representative contacts you prior to an appointment. We may call to remind you of an appointment or to collect history information.
Should I bring medical records to the C&P appointment?
It is not necessary nor encouraged that you bring medical records, as relevant files have been provided to us through the VA.
What if I have new medical records or I want to make sure you are aware of certain documents?
We want to help you to the extent possible and to have a thorough understanding of your claimed conditions. If you have important information, we want to help you, so please submit your non-VA medical records, if any, to the VA prior to your exam appointment. Should you bring in records that have not been submitted, we are permitted to review and consider them. After the appointment, the VA requires that you submit records/diagnostics directly to the VA. Otherwise the use of the records may be invalidated.
Updated as of February 2024, The VA provides the following guidance on the submission on non-VA medical records (VA Claim Exam (C&P Exam) | Veterans Affairs ):
You don’t need to bring anything to your exam. If you have any new non-VA medical records (like records from a recent surgery or illness), be sure to submit them before your appointment.
You can submit new non-VA medical records in any of these ways:
Submit medical records through your accredited representative or Veterans Service Officer (VSO)
Find an accredited representative or VSOMail medical records to your nearest VA regional office
Find a VA regional office near you
If you bring new records to your exam, your provider may review them. But your provider can’t submit your records for you.
What should I expect during an evaluation?
The VA claim exam is not a treatment exam. Depending on the conditions being evaluated, the examiner may only need to ask questions and will not have physical contact. The length of an exam can range from 15 minutes to hours. The examiner will also spend time before or after your appointment reviewing records or completing reports.
What should I do to prepare for the evaluation?
First, if we call you for history information please provide the information requested.
Second, if you received an appointment package and we have not contacted and gathered your history, complete the history sections in the package. Bring this package with you.
Third, if you have new medical reports, submit them to the VA prior to the appointment. You can bring these with you just in case the records have not been forwarded to us.
Will you give me a copy of your evaluation?
The VA strictly prohibits us from releasing records directly to those we see, including diagnostic findings. You can request and receive a copy from the VA. Additionally, we do not maintain a copy of your evaluation report in our files; rather our work is completed and saved online through the portals of QTC, OptumServe, Loyal Source Government Services (LSGS) or VES. The VA informs veterans as follows:
"No. The doctor will give the exam results to our VA claims processors. Our claims processors will decide your claim based on these results, plus your other medical and military records. If you have questions about the claims process, call your nearest VA regional office."
Will you inform me of the VA rating decision?
No, the VA is responsible for this. The VA says:
"No, the examiner is only involved in performing the exam and providing the results to the claims processor. They are not part of the rating process, and do not make the rating decisions. They will never know the outcome of your pending claim. Only a VA regional office can answer questions regarding rating decisions."